I am the owner of Elysian Chat, the only chat where Constitutional Freedoms are built into the foundation of the chat site, and with a special aesthetic touch to the place. I've such sites to show you.
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My name is Sarah and I am many things, among them a libertarian, a natural rights advocate, an amateur writer and an even more amateur coder. I have many interests, ranging from philosophy, to economics, to Greek myth and fantasy, and I enjoy writing about these topics. I was an owner on several chats before I founded my own, having discovered the missing ingredient in all of them: chatter rights, and at Elysian Chat, we respect the natural rights of chatters, and that restrains owners and staff alike from just acting on a whim. Let freedom reign.
Elysian Chat is the only chat where the natural rights of chatters are respected and it is also a chat with very special aesthetic touches, not to mention fun events and games.
I'm an amateur writer and I enjoy writing about all kinds of things: philosophy, history, Greek myth, and short stories as well, often in fantasy or horror. Here, you can explore some of my writings.
In addition, I am am amateur coder and I made this site from scratch. I keep some of my fun coding projects, deemed for sharing, on this site (mostly unfinished), and some games I made too (in various stages of playability).
Elysian Chat has a community too, and we are glad to share anything that its members would want others to see. We also link to sites with whom we work, recommending them to any interested visitors.
Elysian Chat is the only chat where the natural rights of chatters are respected and it is also a chat with very special aesthetic touches, not to mention fun events and games.
I'm an amateur writer and I enjoy writing about all kinds of things: philosophy, history, Greek myth, and short stories as well, often in fantasy or horror. Here, you can explore some of my writings.
In addition, I am am amateur coder and I made this site from scratch. I keep some of my fun coding projects, deemed for sharing, on this site (mostly unfinished), and some games I made too (in various stages of playability).
Elysian Chat has a community too, and we are glad to share anything that its members would want others to see. We also link to sites with whom we work, recommending them to any interested visitors.